Permeable Pavement - Good for the Environment
Permeable Load-Bearing Drainage Floor
What is it?
The drainage floor? The drainage floor from Lux Pav is a special high-performance concrete solution specifically designed for permeable paving.
Lux Pav's drainage concrete can be used in a single-layer configuration, available in natural or pigmented colors, or it can be covered with a wear layer of permeable bituminous conglomerate, creating double-drainage and sound-absorbing pavements.
This solution offers exceptional performance for load-bearing pavements, ensuring the permeability, durability, and versatility needed for multiple applications.
Where to install it?
- Drainage road pavements
- Cycle-pedestrian paths
- Secondary and access roads
- Areas for mixed use and “zone 30”
- Avenues and roads in environmentally protected areas
- Pathways for sports facilities and golf courses
- Parking lots
- Industrial yards
- Hydraulic systems and retention basins
**Permeable Concrete**
Permeable concrete is a type of cement conglomerate designed with proportioned components to create interconnected voids within the hardened mixture, allowing water to pass through. The use of permeable concrete proves to be extremely effective in various situations:
- Water Runoff Control: Helps manage water flow on roads and pavements.
- Prevention of Water Puddles: Reduces the risk of standing water.
- Mitigation of Urban Heat Islands: Lowers temperatures in urban areas.
- Improvement of Surface Sound Insulation: Enhances noise reduction.
Permeable concrete offers a versatile solution to address challenges related to stormwater management, environmental sustainability, and pavement quality.
Outdoor Drainage Floor
The outdoor drainage floor is an excellent solution for managing rainwater runoff while ensuring a durable and functional pavement. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind during the installation process:
- Site Accessibility: Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that there is adequate access to the site for unloading the drainage concrete properly. The concrete mixers used should not exceed a load of 6 cubic meters.
- Unloading Time: The drainage concrete mix must be completely unloaded within one hour of the start of mixing. The dry nature of the concrete requires a slightly longer unloading time.
- Substrate Preparation: Ensure that the substrate is free from irregularities, misalignments, and depressions that could affect the flatness of the pavement.
- Consolidation: The consolidation of the drainage concrete must be done through rolling, preferably with vibratory finishers and "roller screed." Care should be taken not to apply excessive pressure, as this could compromise the drainage capacity.
- Timeliness: It is advisable to complete the laying operations within the first 15 minutes after unloading the concrete to avoid issues related to rapid hardening and surface water evaporation.
Proper preparation and installation of the outdoor drainage floor are essential for ensuring a lasting and functional result. Following these guidelines will help achieve high-quality paving.
Resin Treatment
To ensure the durability and resistance of resin flooring, it is essential to perform the proper treatment. Here’s the procedure:
Double Layer of Resin: The morning after the installation of the resin floor, apply two layers of diluted resin. This protective layer penetrates deeply into the treatment, enhancing the mechanical properties and overall longevity of the floor.
Following this procedure helps preserve the integrity of the resin flooring, keeping it strong and durable over time.
Cement Drainage - Installation Procedure
Per garantire l'efficacia del calcestruzzo drenante, è fondamentale seguire una corretta procedura di posa. Ecco i passaggi da seguire:
1. Preparazione del Sottofondo: Posare il calcestruzzo drenante su un sottofondo stabile e uniforme composto da materiali come sabbia e ghiaia. Se il sottofondo è argilloso o poco permeabile, migliorare l'infiltrazione scarificando la superficie e utilizzando un tessuto non tessuto con uno strato di materiale sciolto, variando lo spessore in base alle esigenze idrauliche.
2. Drenaggio Aggiuntivo: Se le condizioni idrologiche non permettono al calcestruzzo di gestire efficacemente l'acqua, considerare un sistema di drenaggio aggiuntivo, che può includere una membrana impermeabile sul sottofondo e un sistema di canalizzazione per raccogliere e convogliare l'acqua lontano dalla pavimentazione.
3. Umidificazione del Sottofondo: Assicurarsi che lo strato di aggregato sciolto sia bagnato prima di posare il calcestruzzo drenante, per evitare che il materiale asciutto assorba l'acqua dal calcestruzzo fresco, compromettendone la presa e l'asciugatura.
4. Spessore del Calcestruzzo: Il tipico spessore del calcestruzzo drenante varia tra 15 e 20 cm. In aree di parcheggio, lo spessore può variare in base al traffico, mentre per marciapiedi o piste ciclabili uno spessore minore può essere sufficiente.
Seguendo questi passaggi, si garantirà una posa corretta del calcestruzzo drenante, contribuendo a una pavimentazione durevole e funzionale.
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